Tips Menu
Choose what you want to see:
喝点水Drink water18
可爱三连拍Cute trifecta33
123木头人30秒123 Wooden man 30 sec26
近距离飞吻Throw a kiss29
近距离眨眼放电Electric discharge33
站起来看看身材Stand up and look at yo45
站起来转三圈Stand up and turn around49
💕打屁股x5Spanking the buttocks55
给莹莹穿黑丝ToYingying wear black si188
开合跳X3Jumping jacks X355
换发型【高马尾 丸子头 双马尾】55
罚站三分钟Stand up for three minute66
添加平台好友Add platform friends40
做鬼脸Make faces28
捏捏脸蛋Pinch one's cheeks25
反手摸肚脐Touch belly button58
冬天的热奶茶Milk tea88
这个衣服不好看 换一个Change one's clothe99
给哥笑一个😊Show your smile33
99朵玫瑰花99 Roses99
加餐吃鸡腿🍗Eat chicken leg111
无缘无故想撒钱Throwing money away for199
零食大礼包Snack gift pack388
海底捞火锅Hot pot555
浅摇一下舞蹈Give it a shake dance88
唱首歌听听sing a song and listen to55
说散就散dj舞蹈Say scattered dj dance66
倾听dj舞Listen to dance77
粤语dj摇Cantonese dj shake66
watchmework慢摇watchmework slow77
我爱你I love you520
送你一片花Send you a sea of flowers999
做你的守护者Be your knight1314
私人微信Private wechat5200
你就是唯一You're the only one for m10001
接你下班Pick you up from work7888
点歌听Listen to songs20
喝一瓶鸡尾酒Have a cocktail188
身骑白马dj舞蹈dj dance on a white ho55
米糕摇Rice cake shake77