Tips Menu
Choose what you want to see:
🥰打个招呼 say hi2
😍妳今天太美了吧 You are so beautiful5
😋吐舌+抛媚眼 stick out tongue+wink7
🌷请宝贝喝水 drink water10
✨点一首音乐 take of music10
🥰眨眼飞吻Wink and blow a kiss15
🚭禁烟\🚬抽烟 no somking\somking20
🥰撒娇叫老公 Call husband22
🌷站起来扭一扭 Stand up and twist25
👠高跟鞋秀大长腿 look foot35
😋诱惑伸舌头 stick out tongue35
😍翘臀扭扭屁股 twist your butt39
😋色色舔手指叫老公Lick your fingers39
😋上帝视角看沟沟~~Look cleavage45
🌷扎马尾Tie ponytail45
🥰哼一首拿手的歌 Sing a song45
🌷罚站木头人2分钟不许动 stand up 2 min52
🎀开合跳10个 jumping jacks55
😍狗狗趴式打屁屁×5 Spanking55
🌷选一首舞蹈 Dance65
🎀穿个丝袜看看 stockings66
🌷性感M字腿 M leg69
😋魅惑揉胸 Rub the chest69
😍弹内裤3下elastic underwea111
✨骑士守护👑Be my knight1314
✨加私人V WeCha3888
💗休息度过美好的一天吧 love you9999