Tips Menu
Choose what you want to see:
Damn, you’re gorgeous!20
“Your smile just made my day!”30
FAP Tax 💦49
“Spinning the Compliment Wheel50
Curves appreciation55
“You’re the queen"69
Come closer!77
I got a brain boner!79
I got a song request85
I want to see your feet90
Whisper me a secret 😉99
Bite your lip for me111
Caress yourself for me!121
Stretch sexy ( armpits)130
Squeeze your boobs144
Roll your hips for me 😉150
Let me choke you, lovingly169
Dance for me189
Set them ladies free250
Lotion datass320
Snapchat offline video333
Lotion bewbs334
Spank yourself, meaningfully399
Tip not found?404
I (the slave) worship!417
I want a POV501
Here! I got you flowers!555
Try on a different outfit777
I love datpuss [ in Free Chat]2121
Watch a movie together (via sk4444
Surprise Me5000
Be my VIP for the night 💎8888
👑 (Top Tip Flex)11111